Use all your gauges to find the direction of the target. After you align head on towards it fly straight and level, at least 10 miles away. Of course you need to fly at high altitudes to simulate the real thing.

Use GPS, HSI, bank angle, AOA, VSI, AP, whatever it takes to make sure you get right on top of the target. It may be tricky the first time, but once you get use to it, you may be taking closeup photos of your next honeymoon destination.

You need to zoom in and out constantly as you will be travelling at high speeds. Select cockpit view when you're about to manoeuver over the target, and snap away!

ALWAYS maintain a constant speed and altitude.

You can copy a photo by pausing the sim and paste into PAINTBRUSH.


Why not take a photo of the terrain surrounding Mt Everest? Or the rivers winding around your favorite countryside. How about taking snapshots of the fire or aircraft carrier downloaded from your favorite scenery?

Why not send me a copy of the photo, if it's beautiful enough to grace the cover of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.


This panel and the gauges contained withing are FREEWARE. These files are strictly for your own personal, non-commercial use. However, this panel is modifiable without needing my consent.

By reading this You must accept that I cannot be responsible for any malfunction or harm to your pc system or your body once you have downloaded the file or installed the panel.

I will accept any correspondence from the makers of any of the gauges regarding rights, collaboration, compliments, or other matters, provided you are as friendly and peace-loving as I am ; )