WARNING: This panel is not a replacement for your aircraft's panel. Thus your original panel.cfg has to be edited to include this add-on.

This panel has only been tested with fs2002 PRO but passed remarkably well on a 233MHZ PC with 3DFX video card.


Follow these steps:

1. MOST IMPORTANT: Back-up your original panel.cfg. found int the panel folder of your aircraft.

2. Copy all gauges in the gauge folder from this zipfile into the \gauges folder of your fs2K

3. Open/Edit your panel.cfg and the spypanel.cfg contained in this zipfile.

4. Under the "window Titles" section inside your panel.cfg you may see a couple of Window series. Find the last line. Eg:


In the above example, you will need to add a new window title such as


YOu can naem it anything you want eg BACKSEAT or CO-PILOT as long as you have a different title under the section.

5. Then use your mouse to highlight select everything under the heading [Window00]in the DOWNLOADED spypanel.cfg

6. Copy and paste into your panel,cfg after the last line of the LAST Window section in your panel.cfg. Eg: After the last line of [Window03]

7. Renumber the new window section as the last numbered window instead of [Window00] Eg:


8. Copy and paste under 8bit colors section of spypanel.cfg into your panel cfg. at the last line of the 8bit colors section without deleting the original contents of that section.

BUT make sure the color nos run in order and not clash.

9. Save and close your panel.cfg

10. Copy the sound file "Camera.wav" into the main "sound" folder of your FS2K.

11. Copy the sr71c2.bmp into the panel folder of your aircraft.


To operate the SHARK requires some important preparations.

1. When you first enter your plane, the new panel is not visible. Simply use shift+No. key to switch to it, but making sure you close the other panels and views.

2. Press ALT, to get the drop-down menu of FS2K2, select NEW VIEW and top-down. A new window will appear showing a cross in the middle. Alternatively you can just type Shift+]. Reduce the size of the new window by dragging and slide it under the square hole in the bottom middle of the panel and you will see the map showing through the hole.

3. Align the cross to be in the middle. Zoom in or out using the - or = keys.

4. If you find that you are unable to use your joystick to switch to other views, that's because you haven't switch to COCKPIT view as you are still selecting the MAP view although the MAP view is small. TAKE NOTE of this fact. Always select the cockpit view form drop-down menu when you're flying or taking photos, and only select MAP view when you want to ZoOM in or out.

5. To operate camera, simply click on the switch found on the bottom right of the SHARK console on the right hand side of the panel. The sound will loop, click again to stop.