OK, here's the deal. This is my plane, i have been building it for years. It is and will remain a work in progress. I encourage the development of this package. Please repaint it, tweak it, replace parts of it... Im looking forward to the improvements.

All I ask is that you give me a nod in the documents, upload it anywhere you like. I would like it if you dropped me an email at vintage_props@msn.com and let me know what and where.

Upload complete planes only, unless you have just a minor tweak, like an airfile, panel.cfg or similar small change. Otherwise, I would like to see complete planes instead of addons.

Just please respect the ammount of work that is included here. No claims to perfection have been made and there are area's that are not that great, but just remember someone donated their time to bring you a gift, so public scenes are frowned upon.

Please leave in these original text documents in your uploads.

have fun, and keep the oily side down.

joe binka