SCRD, RODELILLO, oficial airport of the air club of VALPARAISO-VIÑA DEL MAR, sited near the Chilean city of Viña del Mar.
This is a new revision enhanced in the details of the tower and its enviroment. its weight in bytes was reduced taking off some trees and fences.
Location Lat S 33º 04.06'
Long W 71º 33.27'
Alt. 1100fts
runway length 1000m
runway width 16m
Made by Jorge del villar with the cooperation of Andrés Valenzuela y Cesar Carrasco who guided me trough the diferent programs that are used to get these scenerys.
This work it is absolutly freeware because was made with freewares.
My E-mail for any contact is
viña del Mar november 23, 2005