FS2004 - photoreal panel EMBREAR-145 (Version-2) with full internal views and wingviews
with different panel-cfg's - by Horst Paetzold

The inspiration for this panel came after the installation of Project Open Sky's ERJ-145 with the
excellent virtual Cockpit and with the Learjet-45 as default 2-D-panel. I wanted to exchange the 2-D-panel (mainpanel)
with a more real ERJ-145 panel optically in accordance with the virtual cockpit. After having done this,
the way to a complete panel version-2 was unavoidable and here is the result.

How to install:

best way is to unzip this upload to a temporary folder of your choice. (unzip with folders enabled)
Then unzip

panel-zip into the panel-folders of posky (or Dreamwings or Mike Stone's ERJ145)

gauges.zip into gauges-folder of FS9

sounds.zip into sound-folder of FS9

There are 3 folders named

VC-panel_POSKY Copy the content into panel_vc of Posky-plane and
overwrite the panel.cfg when prompted

Wingviews-panel_DREAMWINGS Copy the panel.cfg into the panel of the Dreamwings-plane
and overwrite when prompted

Wingviews-panel_POSKY Copy the panel.cfg into the panel of the Posky-plane
and overwrite when prompted.
(don't forget to select in aircraft.cfg the wingviews-model)


The entry under (RADIOS) in aicraft.cfg should read as follows:

// Radio Type = availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope
Audio.1 = 1
Com.1 = 1, 0, 0
Com.2 = 0,
Nav.1 = 1, 0, 1
Nav.2 = 1, 0, 0
Adf.1 = 1
Transponder.1 = 1
Marker.1 = 1

The best solution for Posky ERJ-145 with VC is of course the best ERJ-145 panel ever made by
Bill Grabowsky with his gauges in the VC-panel too.

As sound I use the ERJ-soundfile of Steven Persson (rr_3007.zip / 47 MB)

What is from me: Only the bitmaps, some repainted gauges and the layout
for the 2-D-panel

Credit therefore goes to all gauge-designers and to POSKY for their one more excellent aircraft.

Good flights !

Horst Paetzold
