Panel for the Lockheed F-16.

"" there is the "f16_1024.bmp" The panel-Bitmap and the "panel.cfg" The Config-file
"" there are all gauges you need for the right function of the panel
"readme1st.txt" the file you read now
"readme1st.htm" the same linke the readme-file, only in HTML fpr Internet Explorer

1.Unzip the "" in a new folder like "panel"
2.Unzip the "" in a new folder linke "gauges"
3.Backup your *old* panel file in your F-16 folder
4.Copy the panel-folder in your F-16 folder
5.Copy from the folder "GAUGES" all "*.GAU" files to the GUAGES-folder of Flight
Simulator 2000 like "C:\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 2000\GAUGES\"
6.Start FS2K and have phun! :-)

This is a panel for the Lockheed F-16 with all needed gauges.

If you have any problems you can contact me at ""
Author: Geier Eduard (