DC3 IFR Panel for FS9 by Brian MacMillan


This is my concept of a well equipped IFR capable DC-3. Trev Morson's
excellent IFR panel gave me the incentive to do this so he gets the
credit if you like it. I'll take the heat if you don't :)


What I did:

I replaced the stock DC-3 radios (which are awesome but not in keeping
with the "upgrade" feel of this panel) with the standard Bendix-King
package. Okay, so the real aircraft would never have an AP like this,
but I'm a lazy flier. These are overhead in the VC and in a seperate
pop up. The Nav/GPS select switch is included in this cluster.

I mounted the FS GPS 500 to the main panel in the 2D and VC. It's not
very readable in either mode but it looks good sitting there. I
included the 500 in the pop-up for better readability.

I replaced the stock ADI and altimeter with the ones found in Trev Morson's
IFR Gooney.

As much as I like the MS radio compass, I opted to put Trev's C-47 HSI in
it's place, again for functionality.

Lastly, I replaced the directional compass with the stock Cessna 208 RA.


My goal was to achieve similar results in both 2D and VC modes. I run
1600x1200 and they look okay on my system, but yours may look different.


Files included:

Readme.txt - You're reading it.
DC3_background_mod.bmp - A slighty altered main bitmap to accomodate the GPS.
C47.cab - Gauges
ss1.jpg - screenshot
ss2.jpg - screenshot



Locate your Default DC-3 panel folder and make a backup of the existing panel.cfg.
Extract all files except the c47.cab into your DC-3 panel folder.
Extract the c47.cab into your gauges folder as is. DO NOT unzip the cab file.



Thanks to Trev Morson for giving me the idea to do this and for the gauges provided
in his excellent freeware package, dc-3-pan.zip, available from SurClaro and SurClaro.com.



This package is freeware and is not to be used for profit. If you try to make money
from this file, I'm going to send my mother in law over to your house and nag you into
eternal submission. And you don't want to be nagged into etrernal submission, do you?
Okay, good.


Please feel free to e-mail me at brianmacmillan2@comcast.net with any comments, feedback,
or suggestions.