Thanks for downloading this aircraft. This Convair 240 is painted in the colors of Pan American World Airways Convair 240.

This is a repaint of the American Airlines CV240 from

Pan American operated 20 CV240s on routes in the Caribbean and Central America during the 1950s N90659 was also labeled Clipper Cuba. It was sold to Middle East Airlines in 1954.


Unzip to a temporary folder, and then just drag and drop the "paacv240" folder into the "aircraft" folder located in the main FS2002 directory. Sound and panel files are already included in the package. Copy the contents of the "gauges" folder into the main FS2002 Gauges folder.

This repaint is being uploaded with the consent of the original author(s).

As usual, there is no warranty either stated or implied. In other words use this software at your own risk.

This is freeware, and may not be distributed to anyone that charges money for access to a website for download, nor can anyone charge any fee for it's download, or use.

Dave McQueen

May, 2003