FS2002 Pro L1011 Panel
Panel, Programming: David Durst
Version 3.0 Januarary 2003


The fs2k2_1011v3p.zip should contain the following archives in it:
- gauges.zip
- panel.zip
- Sounds can be downloaded from my website on the L1011 page

This updated Lockheed L1011 panel was created from the scans out of the POH for Eastern Airlines. The
new gauges and other programming for the panel was done by me using the Easygauge product. The panel features
many new things including updated bitmap, overhead panel, engine gauges, autopilot area, radio stack and many
more samll things.

Review the instructions.jpg for important information on using the panel

Its HIGHLY recommended that you get Mike Stones L1011 package to compliment this panel

- NOTE this panel was designed to install to an already existing aircraft folder.

1. Unzip the archive to a temporary folder.
2. Unzip the panel.zip to the aircraft\panel folder your installing this for.
3. Unzip the gauges.zip to your fs2002\gauges folder

If you have any questions, praise or otherwise, feel free to send me an email.


Marco Ravanello for his programming help and insights
Bluesky Development for there EASYgauge program
My wife for letting me do this..
The Piper Puppy for sleeping on my desk while I work!!

This Panel is Freeware, If you pay for it, report it! Free to use the Instruments
in the Panel provided they are included in a Freeware Panel.