In 1922 it was realized by the British Government the importance of Naval Aircraft. This resulted in the Air Ministry issuing a specification 6/22 which called for a single seat fighter,meeting all the usual requirements of being a carrier-borne aircraft,in addition it had to be capable of float and amphibious operations.The powerplant was to be either the Bristol Jupiter or the Armstrong Siddely Jaguar radial engine,both developing over 400 hp.

The designers at Fairey got to work and the end result was the Flycatcher.An angular,small, tough biplane with superb flying characteristics.To give the pilot a better view the fuselage had a definite kink in the middle.It was so small it did not need folding wings. The Fairey patented camber changing mechanism was used,which resulted in enormous full span ailerons on both upper and lower wings. So good was the performance it was found that the Flycatcher could be flown straight out of the aircraft-carrier hangar doors,over the bows, leaving the flight deck free for landings!

When the floatplane was flight tested by the boffins at the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment at Felixstowe it was flown to unprecedented limits. Fasten your seat belt and let me quote
"There seemed to be no limit to the indignities which the Flycatcher Floatplane was subjected.An upward roll was initiated at about 165mph and pulling 3.1g,the pilot reached a vertical position and executed a roll.Speed was lost before a complete turn was done and the aircraft stalled backwards.,a minimum of 40 mph being recorded.For interest the MAEE report included a NACA(USA) curve recorded by Lt.J.H.Doolittle on a Fokker PW7 landplane of the same manoeuvre,in which a maximum of 4.3g was noted"
The complete testing of the Flycatcher Floatplane is fully covered in the July 1987 edition of Aeroplane Monthly magazine,from which the above details have been taken,and which makes VERY interesting reading.

It was adapted to carry 4 20lb bombs and used also as a dive-bomber. Do not forget that these were the Roaring Twenties,and Jazz Fan were quick to note that when in a dive the Flycatcher gave out a "blue note" of staggering,earsplitting intensity.

Using modern parlance one can suppose that the Flycatcher could be called "The bent-bodied,blue note Navy bird"

I have tried to simulate this performance and F8 and F5 will toggle the "flaperons",(also the flip switch on the panel) It is particularly lively in the rolling axis. Anyone wishing to tackle the "blue note" sound in a dive would be more than welcome.There is also a switch on the panel for the engine start.

INSTALLATION :-After unzipping drag & drop the Floatfly folder into FS2002/aircraft,or unzip direct to FS2002/aircraft. The Aircraft will show under Fairey as Flycatcher Floatplane.
NOTE:- This model is only compatible with FS2002 at the moment.

This Aircraft has been produced by Frank Elton,of Pegasus Aviation Design,using FS Design Studio V2,a programme by Abacus,available at
Any comments can be addressed to Frank Elton,