Italy scenery for Fly! II - Venezia

Author: Daniele Tona -
Beta Tester: Roberto Vigetti

The "Venezia" scenery has been created by a B/W satellitar image.
In the area LIPZ (Venezia Tessera) airport are included..

Source Files
The ZIP archive contains :
Ve.jpg Daylight image of the scenery
Ve_n_jpg Night time image of the scenery
Ve_w.jpg Land/water image zones
Venezia.scf Scenery file
Ve.txt Import information for Fly! II "scenery import"

SceneryWindow.jpg Scenary Editor window configuration ready to the rendering.

*** Transform the files .jpg to .tga ***
The Fly! II scenery import utility only recognizes files in TGA format (Targa 24bit) therefore it is necessary to convert the jpg files in tga.
The paints editors ADOBE PHOTOSHOP and PAINTSHOP are suitable for the conversion.
For those who haven't got them, the visualizer/converter IRFANVIEW is freely available at or (in the "search box" type: irfanview).

Put the files Ve.tga, Ve_n.tga, Ve_w.tga (all of 20.1Mb) and Ve.txt in root "c :\" folder (it is possible to use whatever folder you like but it is necessary to indicate the new address in Ve.txt "TGA Filename" attribute)

*** Small precaution ***
Rename the Fly! II \DATA folder (Example: DATA_): it will be easier at the end to clean the disk.

*** Run Fly! II version 230 or above ***

After loading launch "SCENERY EDITOR" typing CTRL+E.

From "TOOLS" menu select "IMPORT SCENERY"

*** IMPORT SCENERY window ***

1. click on "Load setting...."
2. from the "Select .TXT import files" window select "c:\Ve.txt" and press "OK"

In the "IMPORT SCENERY" window the "Generate textures" part it will be accomplished.

1. select check box "Generate water textures" and click on "Water image...."
2. from the "Select .TXT import files" window search "c:\Ve_w.tga" and select it.

In the window "IMPORT SCENERY" the "Generate Water textures" part will be accomplished.

1. Check the "Generate Night textures" box and click on "Night image...."
2. from the "Select .TXT import files" window search "C:\Ve_n.tga" and select it.

In the "IMPORT SCENERY" window the "Generate Night textures" will be accomplished.
Set at 5% the box "Minimum lighting (for tile)"

Select the check boxes:
x Keep Existing Textures
x Generate Distance Textures
x Make POD When Finished

(View SceneryWindows.gif present in the zip file)

Be sure all the options in the 'Import Scenery' window are exactly the same as the screenshot.

Click on IMPORT to begin the scenery files creation

The time employed for creation of the scenery textures depends on PC speed, CPU, RAM...

*** POD file creation ***
When the window "BUILD.POD" appears, select 'POD FILENAME' and press OK. Type the name assigned to POD file (it very important to call it: venezia) and press OK.
Press OK in the window "ERROR lines not found". Select 'GO FOR IT!' and then OK.
The elaboration for laghi.pod creation in the FLY! II main folder finally starts!

Put venezia.pod and venezia.scf (present in the zip file) in the Fly! II\scenery or in Fly! II \scenery\venezia

*** Cleaning the useless files ***
You can now remove the files: Ve.tga, Ve_n.tga, Ve_w.tga and Ve.txt from the "c:\" folder, and the entire DATA folder created by the editor.
Now rename the folder DATA_ to original DATA name.