Junkers Ju-52 Lufthansa

Version 3.0c April 2002
Full package, developed for fs2002 MS Flight Simulator.

The Ju-52 was built of corrugated metal skin and paid little
attention to beauty, features of a typical Junkers design. Parts and
pieces stuck out of the airframe, and the corrugated skin, though much
stronger than fabric and metal tubes, created stronger air resistance.

- FSDS model
- 1024 x 1024 textures
- Panel & gauges
- Virtual cockpit
- Ju-52 radial engine configuration
- Sound
- FS 2002 lights
- moving parts and rolling wheels
- black smoke

LEGAL: This project is released as freeware. You may modify it,
repaint it, etc., upload to another website as long as it is not for
profit. You need my written permission to use any of these files for
commercial purposes; otherwise a simple credit would be nice. This
airplane should not hurt your computer but I am not responsible if it
causes problems.
Author: Pierino Primavesi
FSDS Radial engine: Dave Eckert


1) Create the directories:

2) unpack and copy the content of the zip file into Ju52_3m directories,

3) move the gauges-files *.gau into the ...\fs2002\Gauges folder,

4) move the smoke-file *.fx into the ...\fs2002\Effects folder.

UPDATES: http://www.ju52-3m.ch

All comments and suggestions welcome. E-mail: primavesi@excite.com

Pierino Primavesi