FS2002-Scenery "Bridges from Paris", Version 1.00

This scenery features the 29 most famous bridges of downtown Paris.
It makes the city looking much more realistic !

As usual in this kind of scenery,
I had to make a compromise between high-detailed scenery and speed.
That's why I have choosen to use the FS2002 default river texture,
although it is not a very realistic one,
that makes the scenery much lighter.
I had to forget or remove many details, too, in order to make
the scenery works properly.
Anyway, I have been very carefull to give each bridge
its real general appearance.
That's my first scenery, I just did my best.
A future version will include the three missing bridges
at the extremities of the scenery, better textures,
and the main missing statues.
I hope you will enjoy the scenery !


1 ) Open your "Windows Explorer" (is it the right name in english ?),
create a folder called "Paris-Ponts" in :
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\Scenery

Create two subfolders in this new "Paris-Ponts" folder,
called "scenery" and "texture".

2 ) Unzip the "Scenery.ZIP" folder and move its content (10 .bgl files) to :
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\Scenery\Paris-Ponts\scenery

Unzip the "Texture.ZIP" folder and move its content (14 texture files) to :
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\Scenery\Paris-Ponts\texture

3 ) Move the two .WX files and the two .FLT files
(two "Paris-Bercy" and two "Paris-Grenelle") to :
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\FLIGHTS\MYFLTS\
(That will allow you to start a selected registered flight right over Paris).

4 ) Find the "Scenery.CFG" file, which is located directly in the main FS2002 directory.
(C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\Scenery.cfg)
Open it with a text editor, and paste the following lines at the end
of your list :

Title=Bridges of Paris

IMPORTANT : Replace "**" with the appropriate layer number.
If the previous scenery.cfg file entry has got layer 80,
Then Paris-Ponts requires number 81.

Please make sure that the name given to the main Paris-Ponts folder
in the line "Local=SCENERY\Paris-Ponts\Scenery" is exactly the same
as the one given to the main folder you unziped in :
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\Scenery\" (step number 1)
if ever you decide to change it.

Installation is now completed, have a nice flight !
(You may begin a flight above Paris by choosing :
"Select a flight", and "My flights".
You will find there two registered flights beginning over Paris)

Content of the .bgl files :
Alma.bgl : Pont de l'ALMA bridge,
Passerelle DEBILLY foot-bridge,
Austerlitz.bgl : Pont d'AUSTERLITZ bridge,
Passerelle d'AUSTERLITZ metro-bridge
Concorde.bgl : Pont de la CONCORDE bridge,
Passerelle de SOLFERINO foot-bridge,
Pont ROYAL bridge,
Grenelle.bgl : Pont de GRENELLE bridge,
Pont (du RER) BIAIS railways-bridge,
Pont BIR-HAKEIM bridge,
Iena.bgl : Pont d'IENA bridge,
Invalides.bgl : Pont des INVALIDES bridge,
Pont ALEXANDRE III bridge,
Neuf.bgl : Pont NEUF bridge,
Pont des ARTS foot-bridge,
Pont du CAROUSSEL bridge,
St-Louis.bgl : Pont au CHANGE bridge,
Pont NOTRE-DAME bridge,
Pont d'ARCOLE bridge,
Pont ST-LOUIS bridge,
St-Michel.bgl : Pont ST-MICHEL bridge,
PETIT pont / bridge
Pont au DOUBLE bridge,
Pont de l'ARCHEVECHE bridge,
Tournelle.bgl : Pont de la TOURNELLE bridge,
Pont MARIE bridge,
Pont de SULLY bridge.

Copyright and Distribution :

This Scenery is released as Freeware.
Copyright (C) Philippe Coutellier.
As freeware, you are alloweded to distribute this
files to the following conditions :

- The scenery must be distributed without modification of the
contents of the files. Redistributing this archive with any files
added, removed or modified is prohibited.

- You are not allowed to make money with this files,
or with parts of this files.

Disclaimer :

This scenery has been tested on FS2002 and works properly.
Anyway, you will use this scenery at your own risks.
Sorry, I can't be responsible for any problems or dammage on your system,
which may occur after installing this scenery.

Thanks :

Thanks to all my friends who supported or helped me,
and especially :
- Doug Attrell, in England,
- Louis Desirant, in Belgium,

Your feedbacks are welcome.

Have a nice flight over Paris,
or over Europe if you are just flighing above !