DHC2 Beaver Crop Duster
Thanks for taking the time to download my work. Having said that credit for the original aircraft goes to Fred Banting and Yannick Lavingne (see originalreadme.txt) but the effects and repaint are mine (the paint was originally one by Fred Choate (see also originalreadme.txt) which i modified greatly (the only bits i didn't change were the pilot, wheels and control surfaces). Anyway hope you have some fun flying this thing!

Just extract the archive and drop the extracted DHC2 folder into your aircraft directory,
then drop the fx_cropdust.fx file into your effects directory.

The crop spraying effect is toggled on and off using the panel lights toggle (just hit L).

This package is freeware.
This cannot be used commercially without consent from the author(s). The author(s) are not responsible for any problems resulting from the use of this product. No alterations may be made without the authors permission. This archive may only be distributed as a complete package (no adding or deleting of files from/to it is allowed).

Questions/Comments: Mark Walsh (walsh_dmc@hotmail.com)