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ALL the MS-Flightsimulator WORLD - Version 7.a (12/11/2000)
For FS2000-related information please see "FS World 2000" available at and some other servers.

These files contain a listing of about 3,800 scenery files for MS FlightSimulator 5.x, FSFW95 and FS98 covering all the world. Each file entry contains information about download locations, version, name, size, date of release, author and a short description. The list should be completely updated as November 12, 2000.

This listing is continuing (since version 6.a) the work of JAVIER GALLEGO who started it in 1996. Special thanks to Javier for his work!

- ALLWORLD.HTM the starting page, open it in your web browser
- IMAGES.ZIP includes the graphics used in this list (31 files)
- LISTS.ZIP includes the different HTML-lists (63 files)
- FILE_ID.DIZ identification file
- README.TXT you're reading it
- LIESMICH.TXT this text in German

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contains two more archives ( and which have to be unpacked into directories of *exactly* the same name. The two files allworld.htm and allworlds.jpg have to remain in the main folder.
Example for a folder structure:
C:\Allworld\images (unpack all files of into this folder)
\lists (unpack all files of into this folder)
To start the list open allworld.htm in your web browser.
The pages don't include any Javascript-, Java-, ActiveX- or other special elements.

The complete package must be distributed together as is. It may be uploaded to any FTP or WWW server that is free of charge (please drop me an e-mail to know to what extent the file is widespread). It MUST NOT be distributed by any (electronic) mean where money is charged to the user. There is no warranty that this file will be maintained on regular basis (although of course I will try to).

You can obtain updates first and also use and search this list online at my homepage: - Joe's FS Corner
The online version may be updated more often. For questions or comments concerning the AllWorld list please visit the AllWorld-Forum at my homepage or use the e-mail address below.

Joachim Tangemann, 12/11/2000