***************** C89 - Sylvania Airport, Sturtevant, Wisconsin, US ****************************

A small airport near Racine, WI and is home to SkyDive Midwest, a parachute jump company and Aeris Aviation. The airport is situated just south of a large industrial park along I-94.

For FSX only

C89 - Sylvania Airport updated to match data from charts and Google Earth Images.

Changes include:

-Adjusted both runways
-Added parking
-Added terminal buildings
-Added industrial park buildings to north and south of airport

Instructions to install:

- Copy both of the *.bgl files into your \Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\SCENERY directory.

Author: Tony Vienonen
E-mail: vienonen@sbcglobal.net

October 3, 2011

Copyright and distribution

-This airport is released as freeware; you are not allowed to include it in any commercial package.
-You are not allowed to re-upload it to any other website that charges for download.

-Since this package is freeware, it is offered as "it is" so no official support will be given and the installation of it requires a basic Knowledge on how to manually install add-ons in FSX.
-I am not responsible for any damage you could cause to your FSX installation or your system (it is nearly impossible unless the file is altered from someone else); use of this file is at your own risk.