FS98/2000 Eastern DC-3
"Great Silver Fleet"
By Gary D.Jones
This is the best flying and handling model I have ever
found. It is extremely easy to fly and land. Also, it
handles well on the ground thanks to the tail steering modification by Richard Osborne. 1 note is that the steering is backwards in FS98. To turn left is control stick right and vice-versa. The tailwheel has been animated although I could not see it do so on my system with auto-coordination selected. Perhaps someone with direct rudder control will see this.
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These files are expressly FREEWARE...provided for the
non-profit enjoyment of the flightsim community. All
original files contained within retain the copyright
of their original authors. Thank you for your support
of this ideal, it makes it better for everyone!
These files should cause no harm to your system but if you feel they have I cannot be held responsible.
Download EA_DC3.zip to a temporary folder of your choice. Extract the contents to a file folder in the Aircraft folder of FS98 or FS2K.
The aircraft is already converted for FS98 use but you **MUST** have the converter for FS98 already installed
on your system for this aircraft to show up.I would suggest adding a custom DC-3 panel available from several websites as freeware to complete the aircraft.
Thats it...enjoy and fly safely!!
My thanks to John Kelly for his fine original aircraft.
Thanks also to Richard Osborne for the mods and Andre Kemner for his hard work on the sound files.Also thanks to the folks at the FREEFLIGHT DESIGN SHOP that made the model available for texture engineers like me to download.
Gary D.Jones 6-18-00
comments: pgjones@uswest.net re:EA DC-3