********** FS2004 / FSX (SP2 compatible) Loire Nieuport LN-411
********** Complete package with sound, full moving parts, animations, custom panel and full virtual cockpit.
********** by Patrice Grange, April 2009.


The Loire-Nieuport LN-411 was a French dive bomber operated by the "Aeronautique Navale" (= the French Navy) in 1940. This airplane, known as the "French Stuka", had a significant role in a couple of battles against the German invasion in 1940.

The model has full moving parts and animations (control surfaces, gear, flaps, opening door, steering wheel, landing light, ...), an original custom 2D panel and a full animated VC.

Designed by Patrice Grange.

Contact patrice.grange@wanadoo.fr


This file is distributed as a Freeware. It must neither be sold nor used in any way to make money or profit.

Enjoy !



- If you like French planes of the Golden Age, please consider also my SNCASO Trident package (use version 3), my Leduc 022, my SNCASE Baroudeur (use version 3), my Nord Aviation Griffon II, my Mirage IIIE/IIIC, my Nord Aviation Gerfaut, my Mirage G8, or my NC1071, all of them available on my personal site frenchprototypes.com, or on the great site simviation.com.



- All the moving parts (control surfaces, gear, opening door ...) work with the usual keys (you have to set one as "exit" or "door passenger" to open and close the door).

- The guns are operated (on/off toggle) with the key allocated to beacon lights (usually the "o" key). Don't be suprised if the guns are firing "alone" as soon as the lights are automatically on (for instance if you go directly into night time). You just have to press the "o" key to stop them.

- In your virtual cockpit, you have the following animated parts : stick, pedals, throttle, gear lever, 3 gear lights, flap lever, the functional gauges, and even the girlfriend picture pinned in the cockpit and shaked by the vibrations when rolling on the ground !

This file is distributed as a Freeware. It must neither be sold nor used in any way to make money or profit.


Purpose : dive-bomber
Number of seats : 1
1st flight : 1939
Wingspan : 14.00 m, 45 ft 11 in
Length : 9.75 m, 31 ft 12 in
Height 3.50 m 11 ft 6 in
Empty weight : 2,100 kg
Max weight :2,850 kg, 6224 lb
Engines : 1 x Hispano-Suiza 12Xcrs V-12 piston engine, 690 hp
Max speed : 380 km/h, 236 mph
Ceiling : 9500 m, 31150 ft
Range : 1200 km 746 miles
Armament : 1 x 20mm cannon, 2 x 7.5mm machine-guns, 225kg of bombs


Just unzip the file "LN_411.zip", your will obtain 4 folders:

One folder named "Effects" : just copy and paste the content of this folder (5 files) into the main "effects" folder of your FS2004 ("Flight Simulator 9 / effects") or FSX ("Microsoft Flight Simulator X / effects"). As usual, IF ASKED TO OVERWRITE, ANSWER "NO".

One folder named "Gauges": Copy and paste all its content (5 files) into the main "gauges" folder of your FS2004 ("Flight Simulator 9 / Gauges") or FSX ("Microsoft Flight Simulator X / Gauges"). Normally, you should already have these gauges. So, IF ASKED TO OVERWRITE, PLEASE ANSWER "NO".

One folder named "Loire_Nieuport_LN411" : just copy this folder, as it is, in the "aircraft" directory of your FS2004 (= "Flight Simulator 9 / aircraft") or in the "airplanes" directory of your FSX (= "Microsoft Flight Simulator X / SimObjects / airplanes").

One folder named "Docs". It is here only for your information and for memory... Keep it where you want !

Launch FS2004 or FSX. In the aircraft list, look for the manufacturer "Loire Nieuport" and select the "LN-411".

That's all !

Take-off, and enjoy !

Send your comments to Patrice Grange, patrice.grange@wanadoo.fr ,or on my website, http://www.frenchprototypes.com/


************************************* IMPORTANT ***************************************************

If the color of the aircraft is not stable under daylight, just unselect the option "shadows of the aircraft" (the 2dn line), in the menu Options / Parameters / Display or Graphics / Aircraft.

In french : si un effet de scintillement ou de clignotement se produit sur la couleur de l'avion (possible avec certaines cartes graphiques), désélectionnez tout simplement l'option "ombres portées de l'appareil" dans le menu "Options / Paramètres / Affichage / Appareil" et tout rentrera dans l'ordre.



Thanks to Jens Winkler, for the pilot that I have taken in the freeware DO335 delivered with the FSDS2 package.

Thanks to Denis and Daniel da Silva for the old T6 Texan Flight Model that I used as a starting point. And my apologies as I did not succeed in contacting them.

For the panel, I have mainly used stock gauges. For the other ones, I am sorry but I dont know the name of the authors. Just let me know and I shall be happy to add them to the credits.



This aircraft and this panel have been sucessfully tested for FS2004 on several PC. The author shall NOT be held responsible for any damages arising from the use of this aircraft, which is provided FREELY without warranty of any kind (and which will not, normally, harm your computer !).

Copyright © 2009 Patrice Grange.