Carmicheal - Scammel Fire Appliance

This Gmax model was created by request for a fellow flightsimmer.

The firetruck is driveable and features rolling wheels, moveable steering wheel, moveable water monitor, and a 2D panel.


All gauges are stock FS9 gauges as are all the switches.


Unzip the into a clean folder.

Copy/Place the expanded folder into FS9 'aircraft folder'.

This is all there is to the install.

Driving the Firetruck:

The truck operates in the usual way.

Water Monitor Operation:

I used the aileron control to move the water monitor right and left and the elevator control to move water monitor
up and down. These choices had less effect on ground direction when the firetruck is being driven and the water
monitor position is being changed.


The sound files are copywrited by Adam Murphy and are subject to limitations outlined in his copywrite notice.

All other files, including the model files, panel files, and texture files, are copywrited by Al Lee.

None of these files may be sold in any way by anyone, nor included in any product for sale or for donations without the permission of the owners of the copywrites.

You may not upload these files to any sight that will charge for them. You may upload these files to any sight that will NOT charge for them.

You may obtain permission to convert this model to other sim versions by e-mail. Please detail the sim for the conversion and the website(s) it will be uploaded to for distribution. (


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