Aircraft Config Tool vers 1.4 for MS FS2002, FS2004

At this stage the tool is a viewer for all aircraft cfg files
with limited analysis.

We now cope with most odd aircraft.cfg by parsing to XML.

This is slower (expect about 8 aircraft per sec ) but gives us a better format with which to work.
All anomalies known to me in aircraft.cfg files are being handled. Feedback appreciated.

Right-click on an aircraft to see the XML that the tool has used. Another right-click and
you can compare to the original aircraft.cfg file.

Select a directory containing aircraft at startup.
This version accomodates multiple sims/directories.

Once aircraft load, click an aircraft directory name
to display a parsed version of the aircraft.cfg
[...] square-bracketed elements.

You should see a full FLTSIM.0 section at the top,
Double-Click on the Aircraft (Directory) item to see any [..] flaws.

Most list items respond to Dbl-Click and/or
have a Right-Button context menu

Dbl-Click a Manufacturer to populate
the Loaded list for that Manufacturer

This is Beta-001
More features to come

Requests and suggestions welcome.