FS2004 Photoreal Panel Boeing B747-200 with full internal views including
2 wingviews for POSKY B747-200/300 aircraft,
usable for any other B747-200 without wingviews
made by Horst Paetzold

Main intention for this panel was to reproduce the impression of an almost full-view B747-200 cockpit
in FS9 and I hope it will please you as much as it does to me. By this means I remember several flights
with Lufthansa B737-200 to USA and India.

Installation: Unzip panel.zip into the panel-folder of your choice (make backup before)

Unzip gauges.zip into FS9/gauges-folder

Unzip sounds.zip into FS9/sound-folder

If you don't have concorde-gauges ( for the 4 starters) use the Boeing-autostart-gauge.

What is from me: nothing but the bitmaps and the panel arrangement.

CREDIT goes to all gauge-developers and to POSKY for their impressive aircraft

Have good flights !
