Group Scenery Fix
By John B. Loney, Jr.
August 26, 2004
These files will correct the "invisible building crash" that has plagued my sceneries up until Huntsville. Prior to Huntsville,(KHSV) you have had to turn off the crash detection in FS9 in order to avoid this error. I have managed to restore some more files from the massive computer crash I had some weeks ago, giving me the opportunity to create a fix for the sceneries.

Raleigh-Durham NC (KRDU) and Camden County NJ (19N) have already been posted on SurClaro and my own website. The fixes in this download include:

Chattanooga TN (KCHA), Brooklyn NY (Floyd Bennett Field) (CGAS), Somerset NJ (KSMQ), Salt Lake City UT (KSLC) and Hancock County-Bar Harbor ME (KBHB).

After unzipping the * files manually place the *.bgl files in the proper scenery folder. You can use the cut and paste method. Overwrite the old files when asked. You can direct any comments or questions to me at the email address below. Happy flying, safe landings.
