FS 2004 North American Aviation F-107A
The F-107A was unique with its overhead air intake; a design neccesary to make room for the chosen fire control system. It was a real "barn burner" for it's day ( late 1950's) easily exceeding Mach 2 at altitude. It also had a "flying tail" design for both the horizontal and vertical stab. It lost it's production order to the F-105 "Thud" and only 3 were produced.
This FSDSv2.24 model has the usual animations. The wing and fuselage spoilers are both operated by the "/" key. It has alpha channel type reflective surfaces and has an afterburner effect and wing leading edge vapor effects. These effects are controlled by XML gauges; the afterburner flame shows as a function of throttle position and the leading edge vapor effect shows only above about 5.5 g's. The 2D panel is based on an actual photo. I did have trouble finding approprate gauges for some of the holes so I did take some liberty with the type and placement. A VC with working gauges is included.
Also, you must have the Concorde Gauge installed; I did not include it in the upload because of it's size. It is available at the major download sites.

INSTALLATION: Unzip F107A.zip into a temporary folder. Open the effects folder and copy the contents into the Effects folder of FS2004. Open the gauges folder and copy the contents into the Gauges folder of FS2004. Copy the folder NAA F-107 into the Aircraft folder of FS2004. Close everything and fire up FS2004; this plane will show in the Aircraft Selection list under North American as the F-107.

PANEL and SOUND: The 2D panel is based on an actual photo. I had difficulty finding gauges that looked like those in the photo so I did take some liberties with the style and placement. I used 2 gauges from the Concorde gauge; I did not include it because of it's size. It is readily available at the major download sites. The VC is rather simple but the gauges do work. Many thanks to Capt. I. D'Attorno, Keith Clifford, and Toshikazu Shimizu for creating some of the gauges I used in this project.
I aliased the Lear sound but this plane truly needs a more robust sound. I use an F-18 or a B-58 sound I have in my sound file.

LEGAL: This project is released as freeware. You may modify it, repaint it, etc., upload to another website as long as it is not for profit. You need my written permission to use any of these files for commercial purposes; otherwise just give me credit for the original design. This airplane should not hurt your computer but I am not responsible if it causes problems.

Enjoy! Paul Clawson

Email: p.pandj@verizon.net