This product is classified as SELECTWARE

Only Sites authorised by Ian Thatcher and Rob Nieuwenhoven have permission to distribute this product to their exclusive client base.
If this product is distributed from any site not authorised by Ian Thatcher and Rob Nieuwenhoven then there is a fee of $2.00US for each download of this product payable to monthly.

All products created by Ian Thatcher and Rob Nieuwenhoven are emphatically NOT FREEWARE and are not openly available for distribution without the authors knowledge and appropriate fees being incurred and paid.

SELECTWARE definition

Only sites specifically mentioned in the readme.txt file accompanying this product have permission to release this product.

Any site not listed in the Selection list is not permitted to release this product without payment of a fee for each individual event of distribution of this product in any media whatsoever.

This principle is fully enforceable by international law and action where necessary will, without hesitation, be initiated.