FS2002 pro P47 Thunderbolt

Description: This aircraft represents a restored P47-d along with an updated panel for modern navigation. Vast numbers of p47's strafed and bombed throughout the european and pacific theaters until the end of world war two. Republic's output of D models (12,602) is the largest total of one subtype of any fighter in history, total production of the "jug" amounting to 15,660. After World War II this aircraft was popular with many air forces untill well into the 1950's . It features a camouflage paint job full moving parts including rolling wheels, landing gear, a modern restored panel, etc. The realistic panel is designed by myself. By Roger gilbert

INSTALLATION: Unzip p47dthn.zip into a temporary folder. Move or copy the Aircraft folder"P47" into the aircraft folder of FS2002. go to the gauges folder found inside the "P47" aircraft folder and copy the contents into the Gauges folder of FS2002. I used all the standard guages so if you already have them my procedure is to check no when asked if you want a guage replaced. However you may just overwrite them if desired Close everything and fire up FS2002. This plane should show in the Aircraft Selection list under Republic as the P47.

PANEL: Created for this aircraft by myself

SOUND:I have include a radial engine sound file. However I suggest you use the radial file that pleases you most.

LEGAL: This project is released as freeware. You may modify it, repaint it, etc., upload to another website as long as it is not for profit. You need my written permission to use any of these files for commercial purposes; otherwise just give me credit for the original design. This airplane should not hurt your computer but I am not responsible if it causes problems.

Have fun: Roger Gilbert

Email: bushpilotsinternational@yahoo.com
website: www.geocites.com/bushpilotsinternational

Jan 9/2003