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27 Dec 1999
V-22 Osprey Panel v/2.0 for FS98/2000 by David Giles; dpgiles1@cs.com



I claim freeware rights to this panel. DO NOT MAKE MONEY FROM THE SALE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PANEL. Most gauges used in this panel are from other designers and as such, can NOT be included on any payware or shareware panels. The stock MSFS2000 gauges included are the sole property of the Microsoft corporation. Do not include this panel in any file unless express permission is given by me. If you do, I reserve the right to have the file removed from any site that might post it.
Do not modify or claim responsibility for this panel.
If you'd like to include any of my panels as a package, just e-mail me and we can work something out. Once again, please don't include this (or any) panel in any file w/o permission first.


If any of you excellent gauge programmers are willing, I'm requesting an HSI with combined NAV 1, NAV 2, and ADF needles and functions (similar to how the stock FS2000 Lear 45 or 777 HSI functions) that can be tied to the stock FS2000 GPS for navigational purposes (to replace the included main HSI in this panel).

Please don't e-mail me with specific panel design requests.

Many gauges used in this file have been floating around on different sites for some time now. If I didn't give you specific credit for your gauge, please e-mail me so I can rectify the situation (without resorting to threats as is too common now-a-days). I promise I will either upload a new readme file with credit due, or remove the particular gauge if you desire (so long as I am able :).

I claim freeware rights to this panel and want to give full credit to Eric W. Ernst for the Saab 2000 panel that I modified to produce version 1 of this panel. He's helped me on numerous occasions, and I wish him the best of luck in his new job at that other big airline:) Thanks to Chuck Dome for the unrestricted use of his auto-coordination gauge (which I re-painted for this panel). Also thanks are due to my good friend Paul Schwerdtfeger for being such a great guy. I also want to give credit to everyone else who's gauges I used in developing this panel. Thanks are also due to the individuals who e-mailed me with help in modifying this panel.

This panel is designed for use with the V-22 Osprey (or any aircraft you want). I used photos from "Aviation Week and Space Technology" and the internet. I did some exstensive modification to version 1 of my V-22 panel and I hope you enjoy it. The background shape was changed to more accurately reflect the V-22 panel. I also added extensive shading that takes advantage of FS2000's 16 bit color capabilities. I know that this is not an accurate reproduction of an actual V-22 panel, but I think it looks good and works well with Shlomo Hakim's excellent V-22 FS98/2000 aircraft.

FS98 Users;
The upper and main panels have text on them that are meant for the FS2000 version. The associated gauges for the mentioned text are FS2000 gauges and won't display in FS98. I recommend that you leave the main panel .bmp unmodified if you desire to upgrade to FS2000 and use this panel in FS2000.
There are 2 panel.cfg files included with this file. One is for FS2000 and the other for FS98. If you use this panel on FS98, re-name the "panel98.cfg" file to "panel.cfg". You can save the original "panel.cfg" file for later use if you desire (if you upgrade to FS2000).

Known Issues;
If the main instruments die while flying, recycle the BATT/ALTNTR switches on the overhead panel (FS2000 only) to reset them. This might happen when initially loading this panel (depending on which aircraft you were flying before).
This panel is not completely accurate and is limited mostly by my skills as a panel designer and MSFS program capabilities. The autopilot and comm displays are not an accurate representation. The autopilot will fly to the selected GPS waypoint with the NAV/GPS switch in the GPS position, and with the autopilot on and in the NAV mode. However, there is no way to "link" the GPS to the main HSI for navigation (limited by the use of FS98 gauges) (see request above). Make sure you have the correct setting on the NAV/GPS for the desired flight mode. Many gauges are modified for use in this panel and in no way are meant to be an accurate representation of the actual V-22 aircraft panel.
The RADALT gauge is not calibrated specifically for Shlomo's excellent aircraft and displays 14' when the aircraft is on the ground. I tried different RADALT's with the same results.


-Unzip into a temp folder.
-Place the "xxx.bmp" files and the "panel.cfg" file in the desired aircrafts panel folder (determine FS98 vs. FS2000 panel option and re-name the panel.cfg file as necessary).
-Place the gauges into the FS2000/98 gauges folder (you can write over gauges as I've used other panel gauges and stock FS2000/98 gauges). I have re-named gauges that I've modified, so there's no worry about messing up another aircrafts panel that use gauges in this file.


I claim no responsibility for incorrect installation or improper system operation following installation of this panel.
If you have difficulty installing any file, check the many forums avaiable for guidance.


This panel works best in 1024x768 16 bit color full screen mode on FS2000 (I have a 17" monitor). The default panel.cfg file is for use with FS2000. The color shading on this panel is optimized for use with FS2000. I haven't tested it on FS98, as I only use FS2000. It should work without any problems in FS98. I highly recommend using this panel in at least 800x600 mode (preferably 1024x768 or higher) as some details will be lost at lower resolutions.

Shift+1=Upper panel and windscreen frame.
Shift+2=EHSI/VSI (I recommend keeping this window open at all times).
Shift+3=Main panel
Shift+4=Engine Instruments
Shift+5=HSI/moving map mode
Shift+6=GPS (FS2000 ONLY!)

There are also on-screen switches to control the GPS, moving map, and engine instruments displays;

-Use the "mode" button (on the right center side of the main display) to control the engine display.
-Use the hidden button (on the upper center frame arrow switch of the main HSI PFD). to open up a "moving map" window if desired (you'll need to access a new view from the main FS view menu to open up the top down view).
-Use the stock GPS button (on the bottom of the main HSI PFD frame) for the GPS panel (FS2000 only).


About me:
I entered pilot training for the USAF in 1987. I flew C-130's in the active duty USAF at Pope AFB, NC from 1989-1994 and at Little Rock AFB, AR from 1994-1997. I separated from the active duty in Dec, 97 and started with United Airlines in June, 98. I'm currently a First Officer on the 727 based out of Denver, CO.
Although I've designed a handful of helo/tiltrotor panels, I have no helicopter experience (although I'd love to learn to fly (real) helos and plan to do so someday).

My other MSFS contributions include:
C-130E/H panel
C-130J panel
V-22 version 1 & 2 panel
Bell 609 panel (don't confuse with Capt Slug's unauthorized modified version of my Bell 609 panel)
Conceptual 4 engine HSCT panel (modified from my Bell 609 panel)
Generic Attack helicopter panel
C-130E/H checklist
Modified C-130.air file (not needed on Phill Stokes excellent C-130 designs)
P-51D panel for FS98 (modified from CFS)
Generic Light Helo panel for FS98
Re-painted Street Textures for FS2000 (easy modification I admit)
Upgraded Generic Light Helo panel.