May 16 2006

Fairchild Metroliner 3 DaVinci Code

Original design by Mike Stone

Texture by Francis F Silva ---- airsilvair@yahoo.co.uk

Complete aircraft for FS200, the Fairchild Metroliner 3 Passenger by Mike Stone.



Continuing with the inovations coming out of The Silva Rooks Corporation, I encourage you to download and try this beauty. Look closely at the fuselage. What can you see in addition to the words Da Vinci Code ? Go see.
How the effect was achieved : The aircraft's fuselage was first chromed to a high polished finish. Then, dressed in protective gear, Mark Rooks and myself Francis F. Silva, using a powerful laser, the face of Tom Hanks was engraved on the chromed surfaces of the Faichild and we continued until the whole DaVinci Code film poster was worked into he chrome. On the starboard side of the fuselage you ucan see the words "Da Vinci Code"...

I wish to thank Mike Stone for allowing me to repaint his modeln -- I have his express permission and his email to prove it -- and thank him also for the large number of beautifully made aircraft that he has produced and made available to us all for nothing in return except a Thank you Mike".



Helpful HINT:

In order to see many of the effects that designers and repainters add to theiraircraft, you must tick the 'Reflections' box in your FS2004. Do this :
At the top of your FS2004 screen right click 'options' then 'settings' then 'Display' then 'aircraft' and then make sure that the little box named 'Reflections' is ON (ie. that it has a 'tick' in it by clicking it with the left button of our mouse. A few people emailed me saying that they could not get the chrome/mirror effect on the aircraft. This is how you solve the problem.