1927 Pitcairn Mailwing PA-5 REFERENCE INFORMATION

For standard procedures, see the Checklists tab.

VNE - Never Exceed Speed
VS - Stalling Speed
NOTE: For explanations of speeds used on this tab, see "V-speeds" in the Glossary section of Help.

Following from "Air Mail an Illustrated History 1793-1981" by Donald B. Holmes
U.S. Air Mail Service Rules And Regulations for 1920:

1) Don't take the machine into the air unless you are satisfied that it will fly.
2) Never leave the ground with the motor leaking.
3) Don't turn sharply when taxiing. Instead of turning short, have someone lift the tail around.
4) Never get out of the machine with the motor running unless the pilot relieving you can reach the engine controls.
5) Pilot's should carry hankies in a handy position to wipe off goggles.
6) Riding on the steps, wings, or tail of a machine is prohibited.
7) Incase the engine ails on take-off, land straight ahead regardless of obstacles.
8) No machine must taxi faster than a man can walk.
9) Do not trust altitude instruments.
10) If you see another machine near you, get out of it's way.
11) Before you begin a landing glide, see that no machines are under you.
12) Hedge-hopping will not be tolerated.
13) No spins on back or tail slides will be indulged in as they unnecessarily strain the machine.
14) Pilots will not wear spurs while flying.
15) If emergency occurs while flying, land as soon as you can.
16) Pilots landing with mail should have the right of way over all others.

This software version of the 1927 Pitcairn Mailwing PA-5 Airplane and accompanying files are the property of and copyrighted by Tom Miller (STMILLER@NEONT.COM) with the exception of a few gauges and some of the text info.

Freeware restrictions:
Do not include any part of this file in a CD-ROM or any other storage media for the purposes of selling under any circumstances.
Do not upload any form of this software to any sites without my permission.
Do not repaint this plane/ panel and upload without my permission.
If you see this file in a commercial CD-ROM or any other form of storage media you should return the software for your money
back and please notofy me: Tom Miller (STMILLER@NEONT.COM).
It is readily available on the internet at this time. 3/6/00
