Photorealistic Sailplane Panel
By Mark L. Dimech
May 1998

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Dedicated to all the great freeware/shareware contributors to flightsim
who have made this a fantastic simulation and the endless amount of
assistance provided to me over the years from the flight-sim list.

I am pleased to announce my first contribution to the Flight Simulator
Global Network, the photorealistic sailplane panel.

The panel is based on the glider/sailplane I fly here in Australia.
The glider is a 2 seater Blanik model.

The file setup is as follows:

glider.bmp <> FlightSimulator\Aircraft\FSFSConv\Glider

panel.cfg <> FlightSimulator\Aircraft\FSFSConv\Glider

panel_2.cfg <>

Detailed description
In FSFSConv create a folder called Glider.
Move all the files (panel.cfg and glider.bmp) into the folder.

Use the normal methods to select a panel for a particular plane.

Installing the panel on the default Schweizr
If you need to use this panel on the default Schweizr follow the
instructions below:

The Schweizr by Microsoft has its own panel installed in the aircrafts

You therefore need to rename the panel folder something like gliderpanel_2 and move it to your FSFSConv folder so it can remain there as another panel choice.






Create a panel folder in the Schweizr directory.



Copy the file called panel_2.cfg that I have provided to this directory.

Rename it panel.cfg.

You can now fly your glider with the photorealistic panel.

This file is free for distribution. However, no monetary gain can
be made from this freeware/shareware product.

The gauges used in this panel are the default microsoft gauges.

Please enjoy!


I hold no responsibility for the use of this panel or any problems that
may arise. Use this at your own risk.