You will need to know how to use Ttools and the new AFCAD programs. Add X26 to your airports which is Sebastian, FL. Add a tower using their Unicom channel of 122.8 in AFCAD. Add another 10 small GA parking spots. Then add the following to your flight plans file.

This uses the pipers and one Caravan so you dont need to add any a/c. What this does is under most circumstances puts 3 planes in the pattern at all times at least 2. The thing is AI cant fly the pattern so even if you put 1000 for there cruise alt they still will fly away and enter into a 45 downwind. So by having Higher alts for there cruise it allows time for other planes to depart. Otherwise tower would hold traffic until each planes lands and clears the active. Thing is this is an uncontrolled airfield and so buy using 122.8 for tower all ground and tower calls are on the same freq which add realism. You loose the ability to call out what leg your on but thats about the only disadvantage. One thing I noticed about this set up is there are 2 runways that cross. Both are the same in length. So if the winds are calm Tower will use both runways have 5 to 6 planes buzzing around the field!!!! Now to me thats seems more realistic of a small uncontrolled airfield with rookie pilots. Once it gets going the radio stays lit with both twr and gnd calls. My suggestion is to just fly in and do touch and gos so you dont have to get stuck on the ground. Wanting a calm day without having to not use real weather I suggest early morning when the winds are usually calm. Like at sunrise. I put a Caravan in there to go to 14000 feet because there is a parachute place on the field and that simulates the Otter they use. Hope this helps.
