The countdown begins...

Backup the original PANEL folder from your shuttle directory.

Unzip this zip file to a new empty folder.

Copy the contents of the PANEL folder found from this zip file into the PANEL folder of the shuttle that you have already installed in the AIRCRAFT directory of FS2002.

Copy all contents found in the GAUGES folder found from this zip file into the GAUGES folder of your FS2002. Do not choose to overwrite previously installed versions of gauges.

Use Shift 1-8 to switch between different display modes. Callouts are functioning only when you descend to land or about to kiss the ground.

That's it. Blast Off.

Have a safe trip back to Earth.

NOTE: Some shuttle versions do not have flaps or airbrakes enabled. Some external or internal lights are also not available, so do not expect the switches and levers to work if the components are missing for your aircraft in the first place. I only added the switches and levers in case you didn't steal a shuttle from NASA or that you haven't qualified as an astronaut yet.

To add those functions, I'm afraid I cannot be of much help, as that is beyond the scope here. Please consult designers' tutorials and forums to further enhance your enjoyment.

Your fellow Simnaut,
Sharizal Zahrin