This scene is the part one of project "Belle Ile en mer" who cover the island in integrality.
whith " Le Palais, Sauzon, Loc Maria, alls beachs and sites, lights houses, hotels...".
" Belle Ile en mer is " la plus belle ile vue du ciel " logo from aero club de Belle Ile.

A small fairly Airport located in "Belle Ile en Mer" island near Quiberon "Morbihan" Bretagne, France.
It is a realistic scene made from grounds and aerials photographics pictures (june 2001).

This scenery is only for FS2000 or Fs2000 PRO.
All textures ares provided for this scenery.
It is recommended to desactivate "Mip Mapping" in Fs2000 Display parameters (textures will be more sharp).
this scenery is not really for slow computer...

Create a folder nammed "Belle Ile" and two subfolders nammed "scenery" an "texture".
under your Fs2000\scenery directory or under an other location from your disk

ex1: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Fs2000\scenery\Belle Ile\scenery
ex2: C:\Belle Ile\scenery

Extract scenery.zip into scenery,
Extract texture.zip into texture,

Open scenery.cfg in Fs2000 directorie, whith Notepad... or other text editor.
Add the following lines at the end of file

[Area.073] ( your number, just a number too hight of the last entry)
Title=Belle Ile
Local=C:\Belle Ile\Scenery ( path of your scene )
Layer=73 ( your number )

close scenery .cfg (accept the change)

Launch Fs2000, go to environnement... en route pour l'aeroport...decors de la version FS95 ou ant...
chose Belle Ile... Depart...(sorry I use the french version of FS2000).

Lfea1,2,3,4.ipg are screen shots Le palais.ipg is a preview

Excuse my English... I am French...

Credits: scenery made with FSBAT from Didier HALATRE.
Airport 2.6 from Pascal Meziat, Tom Hiscox, and Brian Mc Williams.
Scam from Manfred Moldenhauer.
Thanks for the authors of Api macro downloaded from the Web.

Email: serge.favraud@wanadoo.fr