{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1040\f0\fs20 FS2002/2004 Tupolev TU-154B2\par
Mediterranea Virtual Airlines\par
Simply unzip this zip file to a temporary folder and copy and overwrite the existing aircraft.cfg into "Tupolev TU-154B2" folder on your PC.\par
Conditions of use\par
The software contained in this archive is supplied for your use as "freeware". No fee or charge is made for its use. \par
The original author retains full ownership of these files and reserves all rights and privileges under U.S. and international copyright laws. This archive, or any of its contents, may not be redistributed or uploaded to any online site or service without the express permission of the author. \par
Enhancments such as repaints, panels, etc may be distributed freely provided that they are provided as standalone add-ons. The distribution of these add-ons may not contain any of the original files contained in this archive, other than texture files used in repaints.\par
Provision is made for use of this aircraft model by established virtual airlines. Virtual airlines may create a complete distribution package, containing the original files provided that the virtual airline's texures are the only ones provided and the distribution file is made available only to the members of that virtual airline. \par
No fee or charge may be made by any third party for the use or distribution of this software under any conditions, without the express permission of the author\par
Original aircraft author\par
GMax model by Roman Skorykh\par
Panel by Dmitry Kolesnik\par
Repaint by Antonio Bucoli [E-mail: tonylicj@tiscali.it]\par