********** Active Word Wrap on your Notepad ***********


VisionReal de la Argentina - Versión 0.6 Beta


VisionReal, freeware development group, integrated by

Gustavo Neer,
Eugenio Grigorjev y
Carlos Maida.-

special thanks to: Daniel Rodriguez Careri and Mauro Diego Solis


Run the instalation (.EXE) file generate by Click Team Installer Maker. That is all!


This sceneries are FREEWARE. That means that you must not pay for it´s use, and may not be included
on a CD compilation or other way of paid distribution without the written consent of it´s authors. We
not authorize it´s commercial use at this time.
This sceneries are still on BETA phase. That means that we are not responsible by it´s use or by the
detail or exactitude of the airports and aerodromes. You can contact us detailing if you have any problem
and we will help you on the best way we can.
Please enjoy our products like we do making it!!!

VisionReal Freeware Group

Eugenio Grigorjev - eugenio@grigorjev.com.ar
Carlos Maida - maidac@speedy.com.ar

IMPORTANT: This sceneries are designed for MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2000; they are tested on
FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2002, but you can use it at your own risk.
We are working on the most compatibility of our products.
