Howard 500 with NO VC for FS2004 by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, and Joáo Paz


1. Run the setup.exe to automatically install the aircraft into FS2004. In the Install process, you also have the option to install instead to a temporary folder or your non-default FS2004 location. Just follow the simple directions.

2. Optionally, if you decide to unzip to a temporary folder location, then

a. place the contents of my aircraft folder in your aircraft folder,
b. Place the Effects folder files into your Effects folder, and
c. Place the Effects/Texture folder contents into yours.

That's all!
Have fun! :-)

Milton Shupe
June 2004

NOTE: If you do not have rudder pedals, see the aircraft.cfg Contact_Points section if you would like a steerable tailwheel instead of the freewheeling one.