Henschel Hs P 75 PROCEDURES.

Dissable "Aircraft stress can cause damage"


1. Start engines - Ctrl E.
2. Set flaps to 8 Deg
3. Park brake off.
4. Close canopy - shift+Ctrl+c or use cowl flap lever in cockpit view ( throttle panel ).
5. Slowly feed power up to 30 inches Hg on manifold pressure. To much power on lakeoff not recommended.
5. At approx 80 Knots start to gently pull up nose.
6. Take off at about 110-130 Knots.

Note:- Aircraft, due to engine torque from 3000hp engine, will pull to the right.


1. Decrease speed to 250 Knots using 20 deg of flap.
2. Gear down.
3. Increase flap to 40 degs.
4. Maintain approach at 120-130 Knots
5. land at approx 100 knots.
6. Bring aircraft to a stop. Hard braking not recommended - aircraft will struggle.
7. Open canopy - shift+ctrl+v or use cowl flap lever in cockpit view ( throttle panel ).

Note:- If a bit of power is needed on landing to maintain approach speed remember
at these speeds the aircraft will pull to the right a little.

The aircraft has counter rotating props so the torque effect should not show its face, however
due to the aircraft cfg you can't have two props and one engine. Sorry.
You can enable auto rudder in the aircraft realisim settings to remove the pull to the right.


For aerobatic flighing keep speed between 200 -280 knots.
Speeds excess of 320 knots the aircraft response is reduced.

Happy Flying.