FS2004/FSX Heinkel He46 warbird
The He 46 of 1931 was a two-seat armed reconnaissance and army cooperation parasol-wing monoplane, powered in its production form by a 484.4kW Bramo 322B radial engine. It was one of the main types chosen for the Luftwaffe expansion programme, initiated well before Germany's official announcement of the Air Force's existence. Nearly 480 He 46 were produced, remaining operational with the Luftwaffe on the Eastern Front until 1943. It also served with the Bulgarian and Hungarian Air Forces, and had previously been used by the Nationalist forces during the Spanish Civil War.
It first flew in 1931 and went into mass production in 1934 to remain in active duty with the Luftwaffe in 1945 when it formed a Storkampfstaffeln (night harassment squadron) and was expended on the Russian Front. During its long service life the He-46 underwent several engine and structural modifications. The type saw active service during the Spanish Civil War when the type was exported to Spain as the He-46c Pava (Hen Turkey) equipping Grupo 3-G-11 at Avila circa 1937. Bulgaria also received 12-16 of the type but their fate and history remained a mystery. Hungary also received nine He-46eUn. The type was employed practically for reconnaissance missions. A total of 481 He-46s were built by five different manufacturers.
The He-46 was a mixed construction having fabric-covered two-spar wooden wing and fuselage of light metal panels forward, fabric aft fuselage over a welded steel tube structure. The rudder and elevators were fabric covered and of balanced type. The early type was the He-46c and was characterised by its large swept wing driven by a two blade fixed pitch wooden propeller. Its rackly nine-cylinder radial Siemens Apparaten und Maschinen (SAM) 22B engine sent up such a howl and vibration that the pilot could scarcely read his instruments. The pilot was positioned under the parasol wing centre-section cut-out while the observer/ gunner/ camera operator was in the aft lower deck equipped with a single 7.9mm M\G15 machine gun, ring mounted. An aft bay, below the observer, housed either a Zeiss aerial camera or a maximum of twenty 22 lb bombs in vertical internal racks.
Even in the 40s, the underpowered He-46 was a ‘Klunker’ in the full sense of the word. At maximum power the vibration was excessive, thanks to its rugged structure that could sustain the ’shakes’; mishandling; and heavy landings. The awkward looking He-46 was easy to fly, reliable to a fault and did have many forgiving characteristics in addition to its leisurely performance. It saw combat service in close support role in the Battle of Brunete in Spain, participated in the 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union in its Hungarian modification He-46e Un, formed part of the Luftflotte 4 during the Polish campaign and its final career as a “night Butcher” in Silesia, near Oppeln when in action against the Russians achieving undeniable success but sustaining heavy losses.
The He-46 had a maximum speed of 161 mph, service ceiling of 19,685 Ft and a range of 615 miles. It had a wing span of 45’ 11 1/4”, a length of 31’ 2” and a height of 11’ 1 ¾ “. It did have a normally docile life and was systemically replaced by the Henchel Hs-126.

-Unzip " He46c" into a temporary file and move the "He46c" folder into the main Aircraft directory.
-Read instructions carefully when installing the gauges , say YES...when asked if the gauges sources should be trusted. If you say no....most of the gauges are not going to work !
-Leave the Mess.cab in your panel folder.
-Put the bf109e.gau into the gauges folder (if it is already there, no problem, just let it overwrite...)
-If having trouble with the cockpit transparencies or turningprop in FSX acceleration or FSX demo, copy the glass.bmp and prop_B.bmp from the Acceleration.texture into the plane's texture folder.
-NOTE; Because the exhaust effects are triggered by the light_key, it can be interesting to move the lightkey to the winglights_key.

This is a sedate easy flying machine, however mind your landings, the plane lacks elevator authority on touchdown, better use some up trim with power.

Special thanks to :
-GMAX for the drawing program and Microsoft for their makmdls.mdk.
-Hauke Keitel for some of the instruments.

The project is released as freeware. You may modify it and repaint it. You may upload this file to another website as long as it is not for profit.
You need the written permission of the original authors to use any of these files for commercial purposes, otherwise a simple credit would be nice. Non commercial repaints-remakes are welcome but I would appreciate very much receiving a copy of your model.
This file should not cause any problems with your computer, but I accept no responsibility if you think it does. Remarks and hints are welcome and are being considered.

Happy Landings!

December 2010
Email: af_scrubbypc@hotmail.com