
Here's my version of a Hawker 800XP midsize executive business jet for
FS02. To install, simply unzip the ZIP file into the main subfolder of FS02
(where the FS2002.EXE file resides). In that way, the custom gauges will be
placed automatically in the correct subfolder. DO NOT unzip the package into
the \AIRCRAFT subfolder of FS02, and be sure to duplicate the original folder
structure when unzipping.

NOTE: Some joysticks and yokes seem to have trouble with the automatic
elevator trim. If you experience "porpoising" of the aircraft, especially
with the autopilot on, try turning off the auto trim. This is accomplished
by clicking the small green bar-shaped light above the trim indicator.

I hereby declare this aircraft package to be in the Public Domain.
Anyone may use it for any nonviolent purpose, including commerce, without
permission. It should not harm your computer but, if you imagine it has, I
accept no liability.