Gibraltar version 2

Upgrade with better textures and made with SBuilderX
at zoom level 18 night texture now included.

put in to addon scenery folder,or make a new one and add in FSX settings

Freeware do what you like with it

Tested in FSX only
including UTX Europe

1. This is a photo scenery of Gibraltar its not perfect,this is a hard place

2.I use this scenery with FSX Europe Mesh get it from SurClaro

3.Gibraltar looks really bad if you dont use the 2 files,but still I can
not find a perfect SRTM/mesh to do this area,to do this I had to work
in 2d, and think in 3d.I also had to change the South east coastline
to stop the sea from looking like it was half way up the rock.

4 built with SBuilderX build time 2 days