Waypoint database editor for Trimble 2101 GPS


Run WpEdit.exe in the same folder where NavData.txt is located. It is
recommended to create a backup of NavData.txt before running the program.

Adding a waypoint:

Enter 1 in the main menu. WpEdit asks for the following
waypoint information:
1. Waypoint type. This is one of the following characters:
- A (airport)
- V (VOR)
- N (NDB)
- I (intersection)
- U (user waypoint)
Enter x to go back to main menu.
2. Waypoint identifier. This is a string containing 1-5 characters.
Only alphabets and numbers are allowed.
Enter /x to go back to main menu.
3. Waypoint location. This is a string containing 1-18 characters.
Only alphabets, numbers and spaces are allowed.
Enter /x to go back to main menu.
4. Waypoint latitude. Enter waypoint latitude in degrees and minutes.
Example: N61*31.23
Enter x to go back to main menu.
5. Waypoint longitude. Enter waypoint longitude in degrees and minutes.
Example: W104*10.44
Enter x to go back to main menu.
6. Waypoint altitude. Enter waypoint altitude as an integer number.
Enter x to go back to main menu.

After entering the last information WpEdit writes a new entry
in NavData.txt. The data entry is also displayed on the screen for

Removing a waypoint:

Enter 2 in the main menu. WpEdit asks for the type and identifier
of the waypoint to be deleted. After entering the identifier WpEdit
removes the waypoint from NavData.txt.

Viewing waypoint information:

Enter 3 in the main menu. WpEdit asks for the identifier of the
waypoint to be viewed. If there are multiple instances of the same
identifier (in different waypoint categories) all matching waypoints
are viewed.

Sorting waypoints:

Enter 4 in the main menu. WpEdit sorts NavData.txt so that all
airports are listed first, then VORs, NDBs, intersections and
user waypoints.

To exit WpEdit, enter x in the main menu.

WpEdit.exe by Antti Pankkonen