DASH 8 -300 Australian Regionals QANTAS link and National Jet.

Unzip the files using winzip to anywhere. Copy the whole file to your aircraft folder, usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\Aircraft. Uses default Boeing Panel, but there are many good Dash 8 panels that can be added.

Original model by FSpainters Japan. www.members.tripod.co.jp/FSpainters
Many other good models that can be repainted (site is in Japanese, but states repaints welcome in plain english) Repaint by Mike Hill August 2002

This file may be uploaded to any website and can be used for entertainment purposes. It must not be sold or modified in any way, and must be avialable to anyone free of charge. Original authors must be acknowledged. It must not be bundled with any package for which a fee is charged.

This aircraft was tested on a variety of systems, and worked fine, however, you install it onto your system at your own risk, no responsibility can
be taken for system problems (which there should be none).

I hope you like it.

Mike Hill, August 2002