FS98 Frankfurt City, Germany.
An Add-on for Frankfurt-Airport or stand alone, to make the scenery more real-looking. Located northeast from Airport. Features "Mainhattan" Skyline (banktowers), parks, and Main-river.


It would be appreciating if you have the VOD 2.7 and Airport 2.60
Texturefiles (.oav and vod*.pat).

1. Unzip the Frankfurt City-folder to your FS98-scenery-folder.

2. Activate the scenery in Flightsimulator as "local".

3. Put your scenery-settings to "very dense" to see the full textures
on it.

FRANKFURT CITY (Central point)
Lat-/Longitude: N50°12.00 E008°37.00

There is no initial start situation in this scenery. If you want to see
the scenery directly, you must go there by entering the above announced coordinates (or even from Frankfurt Airport). I couldn't find a way to make the skyscrapers stay for more than about 10 NM. So you must proceed your landings over VOR METRO to have a bit more luck to see them. My reference was the commercial German Airports-scenery by Aerosoft. But other airport-sceneries should be placed at the same spot, so there shouldn't be any overlayings.

Thanks a lot for all your regards and supports!
Thanks to all the other API-file-developers for the resulting real colorful scenery!

Happy landings and flights!

For any suggestions, questions or compliments (?) my mail:
tom_pablo2000 @ yahoo.de

Pablo Schultze-Rhonhof
June 2003