FS 2004 Photo Roads
by Luiz Alvarenga.
These are improved road files based on photoreal pictures of actual highways and roads taken from Google Earth. For VFR flyers that would like to see some traffic below.
Please don't get so enthusiastic because FS has resolution limitations for showing adequate road image definition...
Anyway, it looks better than the empty lanes of the default files.


1. Backup the original FS files "hiwayhw.bmp", "hiwaysu.bmp", "roadshw.bmp" and "roadssu.bmp" from the file Scenery/World/Texture of your main FS 9 directory.
2. Replace these files by the ones supplied.
3. That's all!

Be happy. Fly!

Luiz Alvarenga

Comments and suggestions are welcome. Always.
