To play Video clip,

1. Open file and extract "concorde landing.FSR" into FS2002\flights\myflts folder
2. Launch Flight Simulator 2002, then select CREATE A FLIGHT from main menu
3. Choose Concorde (any airline)
4. Click FLY NOW!, then on bar menu select OPTIONS
5. Select FLIGHT VIDEO, then select "Concorde Landing"
6. Click PLAY CLIP, then pause to input the ILS Freq. 109.50 HDG/CRS 094
7. Droop nose to Down (DN)

Note: If any doubt on how to extract to correct folder, please see the picture called instructions.jpg
which is included with the zip file.

Require also Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 and Concorde aircraft files.

By A. I. Hj. Jumat
Copyright © 2002