Thor Air DHC-6 Twin Otter - FS98
The DHC-6 is a twin-turboprop STOL aircraft with a rugged design. It can take off and land everywhere. You can choose from wheels or ski/wheels version.
The Twin Otter is Thor Air's workhorse, used for route taxi and taxi flights in the north of Norway and Sweden. In Finland, Iceland and Greenland it lands - and takes off - where few other aircraft in that size can do it. The ski version has ski sounds when landing!
Choose between five different's.
AF99/AA Design and Artwork by: Barry Blaisdell. Flight model by: Jens Borgstroem. Repainting by: Jan Konstmann.
Panel included, 800x600 with ACS-GPS. Original by Dr.Michitaka Suzuki. Modifications by Jan Konstmann.