FS2002 - Scenery of Enghien Moisselles (LFFE) version 1 (January 2003)

This scenery was tested on FS2002 and developed with FSSC. The textures are coming from there.

To install it, you just have to extract the file in FS2002/ADDON scenery and to select the scenery in the scenery library.

The airfield of Enghien Moisselles is situated almost in the west axis of CDG Roissy airport.

There is one grass runway of 700 m x 60 meter

Lat = 49° 2' 46" N / Lon = 2° 21' 11" E

Altitude = 335 ft (102m) [12.2hPa]

That airfield is not present in the FS2002

Crédits :
Thanks to the authors of FSFC
Thanks to the aero club : "Les ailerons" for the pictures

This scenery is the first attempt I did to develop something because of the frustration not to find that nice airfield when flying around Paris. There is room for improvement :-)

Distribution through Freeware only. Not for commercial distribution

(c) Dominique Donzelot 2003