This is a FS-X conversion of my FS2004 freeware scenery for EDDB, BBI
(former Berlin Schoenefeld after its extension to Berlin Brandenburg
International). Screenshots are from the FS9 version.
It is made by photos and maps from drafts and pictures of an exhibition and
is therefore a fictional airport which not yet exists! The airport should be
ready to use in 2011 and replayce SXF/EDDB, THF/EDDI and TXL/EDDT.
Parts based on ga_eddb1 by Georg Aubele with his kind permission.
Converted the API macros from Easy Object Designer to mdl files (the old
format API made scenery didn't work properly in FS-X) with ModelConverterX.
Conversion is not perfect, some textures looks strange, but it works now.
Every day I pass ther street north of the airport I see it grow and it looks
more and more the same as I built it:-)
Cleared to land - before the airport is built!

See folder Doc for more informations!

Installation (same for FS-X):
Voraussetzung: FS2004
Das ZIP-File in einem beliebigen Ordner auspacken. Es ergeben sich drei
Ordner: Scenery, Texture und Effects (mit Unterordner Texture). Den Inhalt
des Effects-Ordners in den Effects-Ordner des FS kopieren, den Inhalt des
Unterordners Texture nach FS\Effects\Texture. (Der Effekt ist die Beleuchtung
durch die Lampen.) Szenery normal aktivieren.
Je nach Rechner die Komplexität auf Wenig, Normal oder Dicht einstellen (die
Finger, Beschriftungen, Schilder usw. erscheinen erst bei "Dicht").

Required: FS2004
Extract the ZIP file to a folder of your choice. You'll find three folders:
Scenery, Texture and Effects (with subfolder Texture). Copy the contents of
the effects folder into the main effect folder of FS, and the contents of
the subfolder Texture into FS\Effects\Texture. (This is for the illuminating
of the lamps.)
Set scenery complexity to sparse, normal or dense as you wish (the jetways,
signs, lables and so on appeare with "dense" only).

Freeware, nur zur freien Weitergabe.
Du darfst die Scenery auch verändern, z.B. wenn du bessere Infos über die
Gebäude oder etwas andere Koordinaten der Bahnen findest.

Freeware, free distribution only.
You are allowed to modify the scenery (for instance, if you get more
informations of buildings or little different coordinates for runways).

Gernot Zander,, 2006-08-07, upd. 2010-01-10