Current issues

- Main dlg needs to be adaptive to screen size and, perhaps, user changes in dlg size.

Change Log

-Disabled context-sensitive help for release.
-Updated help.
-Released V0.7 beta.

-Have been playing around with context-sensitive help over the last few days. Partial
success only. "What's this" toolbar pointer fails. Some right-click help OK. Implemented
"What's this?" menu on right-click.
-Added exception handling for paintlib draw and resize operations. GIF-LZWs still cause
Panama to crash and I can't trap the error.

-Updated to latest CVS version of paintlib.

-Disabled less common pic formats for panels, too. Missed it before.
-Further refinements and code reductions resulting in a further small size reduction and
should make searching for panels, when panel dialogue opens, faster.
-Panel dialogue Edit button is now disabled if a panel can not be selected from the list when
-Fixed bug that caused the panel Assign button to be displayed initially sometimes.
-Made "Show CSL" menu item persist over changes of sim, like "Show Multiple".
-Sped up reading of aircraft names a bit by avoiding reading [forcefeedback] data in aircraft.cfg.
-Started updating help.

-Removed final '\' from panel alias in panel.cfg when assigning a panel. Now matches FS style.
-Adjusted FindPanelDir() to use a pointer to CString.
-Fixed bug that prevented the current panel from being listed properly when the panel dialogue
was opened.

-Fixed bug where currently displayed pics were not updated when View/Refresh was selected.
Default bitmaps are now displayed when the view is refreshed.
-Fixed bug advised by Glen where FS2002 could not be viewed. Also affected CFS2. Two message map
entries were missing.
-Added message box and prevented crash if user tries to add more than 20 apps to app menu.
Temporary fix while Glen checks new changes.
-New folder dialogue in Prefs/Archives now stays on top of prefs window.

-Removed third party folder selection dialogue in favour of the default MS one (now I've actually
found it) for further reduction in executable file size.
-Improved the Prefs/Archive Paths property page so that a sim's edit box and browse button are only
active if the sim is installed.
-An archive folder is now not created for a sim unless the sim is installed.
-Started looking into reason for limit of 20 apps in app menu causing crash.

-Removed About thanks tab and placed the text in help.
-Experimented with MS folder selection dialogue with a view to removing the existing one.

-Fixed bug advised by Glen where Panama was not finding FS2002. MS had changed the registry key name!

-Removed Prefs/Paths property page as the paths were no longer useful, having been replaced by
registry functions.
-Fixed bug where aircraft and panel pics were not reset when a different sim was selected for viewing.
-Sped up panel pic searches when opening the panel dialogue heaps by avoiding searching the entire
panel.cfg file.

-More code sub-division.
-Finally fixed the logo by adding a jpg resource and loading it with paintlib.
CDibSectionLite and Emboss are gone.
-Made additional savings by reducing code repetition where the same function had to handle
five different sim versions. Made this code call a generic common function where possible.
-Executable size has reduced overall due to cleanup. :-)
-Version number bumped to 0.6.1.

-Finished adding CFS2 and FS2002 support.
-Updated web URL and copyright.
-Finally got around to sub-dividing and collating all the view class code.
-Disabled the less common picture format code, leaving bmp, jpg, gif, pcx, png, tif, tga.

-Started adding FS2002 and finished CFS2 support.

-Added toolbar buttons to view all sims.

-Updated help to include discussion of unnamed entries and installation strategies.
-Added Graham's FS2K Pro pics to available packages on web site.

-First public release to home page and SurClaro.

-Improved some CFS panel pics.
-Changed version to 0.6 Beta for public release.
-Reverted to old graphics code for About pic until paintlib palette problem resolved. Makes
pic ugly for now but will be improved in the future.

-Improved some FSFSConv panel pics.
-Fixed pic packs and wrote simple instructions for each package.
-All packs except CSL now include FSFSConv pics.

-Added graphics to help file and completed topics for initial release.
-Completed fixes for CSL library renaming aircraft.cfg to aircraft.csl. Both versions are
now detected.
-Added disabling of "Show CSL Library" menu item when library not installed for a particular
sim, sometime over the last week.

-Changed registry path for saved prefs information to "prefs".

-Added option to have Panama quit when a sim is run, including prefs item, registry saving
and reading.
-Still waiting for solution to paintlib palette problem.

-Changed over to html help when Help menu item selected. Old WinHelp version shelved.
-Began removing remaining dibsectionlite refs. Will have to look into how to get palette
info for Emboss() from paintlib.
-Latest version of Squawkbox, 2.2.3 beta, renames the CSL library's aircraft.cfg to aircraft.csl
when SB not is use to prevent the aircraft appearing in the sim's aircraft list. Started adding
fix to allow Panama access by catering for the different file name.

-HTML Help file developed over last week.
-Fixed greyed FS98 toolbar button.
-Tidied up prefs pages.
-Inverted About picture - changed back to sunken.
-Better prefs icon.

-Fully integrated with FS2K.
-Code now supports easier, modular addition of new sims as they are released.
-Versions of Flight Simulator now have their own toolbar button and menu item, rather than
sharing one.

-Panel edit button now works.

-Panama now finds the user's Windows directory and builds the temp files directory from
that, rather than assuming C:\Windows.
-Cleaning up UnzipAircraft() temp failed unzip files removed as an issue. None seen for some
time, issue seems resolved.

-Modified panel.cfg search code to speed up recognition of original or aliased panel.
-Looked into panel restore failure when cfg is not an alias. Nil fault found.
-Won't preserve panel.bak at this stage. Doing this would affect the user's freedom
of control over panel assignment. I will probably add an optional warning for this.
-Disabled panel dlg edit button temporarily.
-Fixed problem where aircraft pictures for multiple aircraft which were mothballed were
not displayed.

-Minor changes to panel dialogue to make labels and comments uneditable. They can still
be scrolled and copied, as required.
-Fixed things so that the names of multiple aircraft in the same aircraft.cfg are
transferred correctly on mothball. Only the selected name had been transferred,
-Also fixed multiple aircraft transfer on rollout. Code for these functions hadn't
been updated since the first version.
-Minor internal improvements and clean up.
-Fixed refresh failing to remove existing items from avail list. The list wasn't being
reset before re-listing. I probably removed the reset function call inadvertantly.
-Added group number to show multiple aircraft listing. Now shows !Mx-> where x is a unique
number for that group, i.e. aircraft in that aircraft.cfg. This now shows which aircraft
live together, not just which aircraft are part of a group.
-Gauge dialogue now shows the relative panel path in the window title.

-Implemented horizontal scrollbars in listboxes, including panel dialogue.
-Fixed a bug in the panel dialogue comment listbox, which had been set up to
sort entries.
-Changed default bitmap to 256 colours from 16 to avoid a paintlib ASSERT when opening
the panel dialogue. This was due to paintlib only supporting 32, 8 amd 1 bpp.

-Found and fixed bug in Paintlib 2.3a after some searching and disussion on the paintlib
discussion group. Jpeg colours are now correct. Colours had only been switched when
displaying jpegs. :-))

-Made snapshots of standard FS aircraft and about half of CSL library.

-Fixed grey bitmap colours on refresh.
-Added gif support to my pic search code.
-This version of paintlib only supports uncompressed gifs i.e. there is no LZW compression
code included, due to the patent. Therefore, Panama also only supports uncompressed gifs.

-Added Copyrights tab to About box which lists credits for all third party code.

-Added a GetVersion() function which will update the About box automatically from
one string in the string table.

-Found and fixed a bug in the panel dialogue code which was preventing the panel's
picture being updated correctly.
-Panel pics are now correctly passed between the main display and the panel dialogue,
including after a new panel has been assigned.
-Main body of work associated with converting to paintlib is now approaching completion.
-Picture quality issue resolved by moving to paintlib's ResizeBilinear() resize function.
-Bumped version number to 0.51 Alpha.

-New version 2.3 of paintlib installed.
-Minor issue with colour display in this version will be followed up.
-This version includes GIF support. I'll leave it there at present, for testing, and
assess later whether to remove it due to Unisys' LZW compression patent.

-Fixed a bug in the directory finder function which caused some paths to be returned
missing the trailing "\".

-Added the ability to decide what to call the aircraft and panel pics. There is now a
prefs item where you can enter the names and they are stored in the registry. If no
name is entered, i.e. the edit control is left blank, Panama will default to and, where xxx is any of the available picture format suffixes.

-Bumped version number to 0.5 Alpha.
-Added support for multiple picture formats via paintlib. Resized pic quality is poor
until the hi-qual resize function is done. This is the next big step forward. Panama
now supports .bmp, .dib, .emf, .eps, .jfif, .jif, .jpeg, .jpg, .pct, .pcx, .png, .tif,
.tiff, .tga, .wmf. That aught to do for a bit. Picture quality varies. I'll probably
get rid of the obscure ones to minimise search time.

-All files extracted to Windows\Temp are now removed after use.

-Added option to hide/display the Squawkbox CSL library.
-Spent the last couple of days converting zip functions from my own to a newer and more
complete set.
-Finished zip functions and solved lingering issues with zip files not being released by zlib.
This and other old "current issues" are now dealt with. Yeehah!

-Registry saving re-enabled for release.
-Removed some redundant code and tidied up a bit.

-Added list and edit control updates to 'Restore Previous' and 'Assign'
in Panel Dialogue.
-Updated and improved help file to include panel manager and non-
scrolling region, contents and index buttons.
-Aircraft Manager panel pic now updates after changing panel in the
Panel Manager.
-Bumped version numbers to 0.4 Alpha.

-Panel assignment now working.

-Save and restore of previous panel config now working.

-Bitmap resource loading problem finally resolved.
-More improvements to drawing code.
-Refresh menu item now clears pics as well.

-Added panel.cfg comment list to panel dialogue. Shows any title and
additional comments prefixed by '//'.
-Disabled registry write code until potential problems sorted out. I'm
still experiencing registry errors and system instability.
-Panama now detects redirected panels such as the FS Converter
ones. Panel pics should now be in the redirected directory.
-Added name of selected aircraft to panel dialogue.

-Panama now creates archive directories manually entered into the
edit boxes, if they don't exist, and the default ones.
-Added panel pics and list in panel dialogue.
-Added gauge dialogue and capability to list gauges of selected panel.

-Fixed problem where the buttons were not being enabled after changing
-Made several improvements and additions to the help file.

-Started on help file.
-Panel code now looks for panel dir suffixes and looks in the
appropriate dir for a picture. E.g. C182 RG panel is in panel.rg.

-Changed icon to nice Tucano pic.
-Changed About toolbar button to same pic. Toolbar is only 16 colours
so icon colours are degraded on the toolbar. Needs fixing.
-Added nice feature to show in the list aircraft that are in the
same aircraft.cfg file. These are prefixed with '!M->' in the list.
Ultimately I may replace this with an icon next to the aircraft name.
-Started on panel support. Panama will now display pics that are named
panel.bmp and are in the 'panel' directory. Custom directories to

-Fixed prefs edit boxes so that manually entered paths are now
-Fixed disappearance of app menu separator on startup.

-Removed obsolete MFC About box code.
-Added NT Unicode support. Some pic code is still 95/CE, though.
***Not so, pic code is NT4 as well***
-Fixed File/Exit menu item.
-Menu dialogue up/dn buttons now work. Still need to address
problem of different window colours.
-Found and fixed an error that caused the zip code to return the
wrong value. As a result...
-Default aircraft picture now working properly.

-Registry support now completed. Panama.cfg no longer needed.
-User-selectable archive directories now available. Suitable
defaults will be used initially and if nothing entered.
-Tools\Edit aircraft.cfg menu item now correctly active/inactive
depending on list selection.

-Fixed error with viewing of multiple pics in an archived a/c.
Wrong path was being built.
-Added archive property page and option to set path. Need to find
out how to get dirs without files.
-Added registry support. Panama will read FS and CFS paths from
the registry and save all prefs to its own key.

-Finally found code that works for painting bitmaps. Fixed
embossed logo on main about page and changed main drawing
code. No more jerky movement or badly rendered pics. Excellent!
-Fixed loss of entries from mothballed list after failed file
-Changed aircraft pic name to aircraft.bmp to sit better with
the panel pic name which will be panel.bmp.
-Added ability to view different pics for multiple aircraft in the
same aircraft.cfg. Pics must be named aircraft1.bmp, aircraft2.bmp
etc and be numbered in the order they appear in the cfg file.
There is no unnumbered 'aircraft.bmp' in the multiple case.
-Switched off zlib error messages.

-Added html links to new 'contacts' about box property page.

-Added 'Refresh' menu item to allow refreshing of lists after
cfg file has been changed.
-Added menu items to allow switching between FS and CFS displays.
CFS now supported directly, as intended.
-Added check marks and enable/disable depending on selection and
which sims are installed(prefs).
-Added 'run' menu and toolbar greying if a sim is not installed.
-Added prefs item to record current sim at shutdown so Panama starts
up next time where it left off.
-Added tool tips and status bar text for all current menu and toolbar

-Prefs property sheet now fully functional as dialogue was before.
-Added toolbar button, menu item and prefs item for CFS.
-Added edit button and menu item.

-Removed unnecessary menu items.
-Changed prefs dialogue to property sheet.
-Improved picture display code.
-Added facility to display multiple aircraft from one directory/aircraft.cfg.
-Applications moved to separate menu.

-Added default aircraft bitmap - not fully functional.
-Added About logo - not fully functional.