FS2004 Beech Baron Turbo This is a simple rework of the default Baron. Modified aircraft.cfg file to allow for turbo-charging, better performance and of course higher fuel consumption... all based on real-world, turbo Baron specs. The manifold pressure gauges have been modified for turbo-charging. The fuselage and panel have "TURBO" logos on them. The elevator effectiveness has been modified to what "I" feel is a more realistic level. It will show up as a completely separate plane (Baron_58T).. leaving the default Baron in place. Modifications by: Brett Henderson 13MB


Unzip the B58T.zip file into a temporary folder. Look it over.. make sure it's intact and then move the main beech_baron_58t folder into your aircraft folder. The modified gauge is already in the panel folder so it will not alter your default gauges at all.


As this is a rework of a default aircraft you all already own. I make no claim or warranty whatsoever. Use, modify and distribute as you see fit.

Brett Henderson cmnsns12@hotmail.com


I repainted this airplane because we have all seen the original Baron paint long enough. Hope you all like.

Donnie Walker
