Boeing 737-800 N951AA American Airlines "ASTROJET"

Model: Sandro Bernardini
Repaint: Alejandro Hurtado

Everybody loves to be inside one of this full-power present planes, just aply full trottle and climb to your desired altitude. But some of us likes the aspect of the past planes, with inocent nomenclatures and easy markings, pretending to refer to a future that never happened. Well, this "ASTROJET" is a real B737-800, painted in February 2001 by American Airlines like it could be in the 60ths. Still in September 2003 you can find this plane in Miami, Dallas, San Francisco and another places.

So there is not a mistake, the panel is a real modern full glass, the power is here, but the markings are full sixtys. For curious, there were other American Airlines ASTROJET. There was a 707, a 720 and a 727. All had the same painting scheme. I searched loosely in the web and found only the 707 for Flight Simulator, so maybe my next proyect will be a 727 Astrojet.

This one is based on a Fs2000 model made by Sandro Bernandini, repainted by David Randolph, repainted by Donald L. Derwin, who selected parts and ideas from another modelers and added a copilot panel. It is said that if you copy ideas from another person is plagy, but if you copy from many persons is genius (or art, I don't remenber). Personaly, I took the plane, removed the panel (sorry, Donald), upgraded the aircraf.cfg to FS2002 and repainted the plane, improving (IMHO) the tail "metal" painting and the landing lights. I tried to contact to Sandro Bernandini and Donald L. Derwin, but I don't have any answer from any. So I hope they don't be upset with my repaint.

My next proyect was the Pluna's 737-200 "El sol del verano", but there was a problem: already exist another CX-FAT for FS2002 (a good one). Because I repaint to make good planes that don´t exist in Flight Simulator, and I dont want to compete to prove that I am bether than anybody, I just downloaded and let run my proyect.

My previous repaints are:

Ju52mlka: Ju-52 owned by Milka chocolats company, in flying state
b727ah1: Green and yellow Braniff's 727
b727ah2: 727 flow by Viasa when was bought by Iberia
b727ah3: Braniff 727 painted by Alexander Calder
b727ah4: One of the first 727 flow by
md11ah5: MD-11F from Eva Air Cargo
b190ah6: Beech 1900D from Us Air Express
b190ah7: Beech 1900D from the canarian island's Air Atlantic

I love the warranty wrote by Andrew W. Hall:
"None. Zip. Nada. Use at your own risk. I don’t think
this will harm your computer in any way, but if it does, I
don’t even want to hear about it."

A last remark: Why don't become a repainter? There are a lot of planes with special markings. I'm tired of the usual F-16 low-vis scheme, or the usual 757 in Delta markings. Why don't a Tornado Tiger Meet or a serie of Easy Jet's 737s? The plane modelers like Sandro Bernandini are very important, but they can't make all the painting schemes by himselfs. So why don't help they?


Just unzip in your "Aircraft" folder of FS2002, install your desired panel and that's all.

If you like this, or any observation, send me a mail to